Road Trip to The Cevennes: Saint Jean du Gard
I’ve never visited the Cevennes other than in Autumn, but it’s definitely the time and the place to go. Especially on a Tuesday. It’s market day in Saint Jean du Gard. The mountainous town of Saint Jean du Gaud history dates back to the twelfth century when monks from the Abbey …
I’ve never visited the Cevennes other than in Autumn, but it’s definitely the time and the place to go. Especially on a Tuesday. It’s market day in Saint Jean du Gard. The mountainous town of Saint Jean du Gaud history dates back to the twelfth century when monks from the Abbey …
Halloween Train to the Cevennes
Barefoot Blogger to the Halloween train to the Cevennes. Nothing like a ride on a train to the Cevennes with a gazillion Halloween goblins! Happy Halloween! Check out the fun photos Explore this Post
Barefoot Blogger to the Halloween train to the Cevennes. Nothing like a ride on a train to the Cevennes with a gazillion Halloween goblins! Happy Halloween! Check out the fun photos Explore this Post