Craft Beers in Provence
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottLocal Food ProducersTasteWines and Spirits of Provence

Discover the Best Craft Beers in Provence at These 10 Microbreweries

Provence is a famous winemaking (and drinking) country. The region has a justified reputation in wine circles for terrific rosé blends, celebrated reds and coveted whites from Châteauneuf du Pape, and the outstanding production of crus from the Côte du Rhone vineyards. So, perhaps it’s unsurprising that beer is not …

READ MORE  Discover the Best Craft Beers in Provence at These 10 Microbreweries
Brantes La Géante de Provence la Bière du Ventoux
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottTasteWines and Spirits of Provence

New Hoppy Brews in Brantes La Géante de Provence la Bière du Ventoux

La Géante de Provence is a new microbrewery located in the perched village of Brantes. Naming the beer might have been the easy part of a process that has taken the co-owners Rory White and Pascale Merlette-Lagarde well over two years of talking, planning, ordering and finally brewing. As brewmasters, …

READ MORE  New Hoppy Brews in Brantes La Géante de Provence la Bière du Ventoux