Expat Living and Real EstateJulie WhitmarshLiving in Provence

Renovating in Provence When the Water Stopped

By Vaucluse Dreamer:

By the start of November, our little place was in a state of chaos in readiness for the work to start. The rooms were piled high with relocated furniture & building supplies and Andy had laid new Travertine floors throughout the 2 main spaces upstairs that would become the new bedrooms and bathrooms. This was never going to be the easiest of tasks – as nearly 50m2 of tiles had to be laid in rooms where every wall was wonky and straight lines were purely a figment of our imagination. …Continue reading here for the contributor blog post by Vaucluse Dreamer

Renovating in Provence

For anyone who has been through a renovation or house remodel there is an expectation that unforeseen issues might crop up. However, Andy faced a significant stumbling block when the water stopped during his tile laying project. He had roughly 540 sqft of tiles to lay and cutting tile without water is not possible. Discover how he got the job done.

Local Water Services:

In France, water services – services des eaux –  are provided by public utilities within geographic regions. Drinking water (l’eau potable) comes from either surface (roughly 40%) or underground (60%) sources. The utilities have three responsibilities to the public that they serve. Ensuring that the source is tested and suitable for human consumption is number one. The second is water treatment, and finally water storage to ensure a regular supply. Read about the cycle of water (in French) in this article by the Centre d’Information sur L’Eau.



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Julie Whitmarsh

Julie and her husband Andy started visiting the Vaucluse area 25 years ago & over the years have increased the amount of time they spend there with their growing family. She has a deep affection for the area, finding it is a great place to visit, where the whole family can relax and enjoy time together.

She longs for the day when she can ‘up-sticks’ from her home on Dartmoor & relocate to the Luberon and spend her days cycling, walking, visiting markets & brocante fairs and of course enjoying the local food and drink.

Her blog VaucluseDreamer gives her a space to highlight some of her favourite things about the area from places to visit to particular activities that she and her family all enjoy.

She hopes one day it will be a place where she can share the process of renovating a house in France, but at the moment that will have to wait.

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