Author Elizabeth Bard Opening day Scaramouche
Books on ProvenceCarolyne Kauser-AbbottExploreLocals Travel Tips

Author Elizabeth Bard’s Perfectly Provence Local’s Tips

The Chief Tasting Officer (CTO) at Scaramouche Artisan Glacier is Author Elizabeth Bard’s husband Gwendal. This Franco-American couple is jointly forging a sweet career path in the village of Cérèste. Fueled by the seasonal flavours of their new home in Provence, Elizabeth and Gwendal determined that their careers should be …

READ MORE  Author Elizabeth Bard’s Perfectly Provence Local’s Tips
Barefoot BloggerExploreLocals Travel Tips

For the Love of Lavender 

Had the Barefoot Blogger known lavender fields are so close to Uzes, and how fabulous they are in person, I would have been visiting them much before now. Thank goodness I found out how to get to some of the best fields this year. Unfortunately, a return visit isn’t possible …

READ MORE  For the Love of Lavender 
MuCEM Marseille
ExploreSophia van Woensel-Mose

Choose Marseille or Aix-en-Provence? Give me both!

The Debate One of the favourite pastimes of the Aixois is fervently discussing the town’s many qualities. They cite the climate, culture and architecture; rave about the shopping and surrounding countryside; and compare notes on their favourite Luberon village, Mediterranean beach, local wine and restaurant. When we first moved here, …

READ MORE  Choose Marseille or Aix-en-Provence? Give me both!
Cassis Port Provence
David & Karen TaylorExploreVillages Towns and Cities

Cassis is Perfect on a Sunday for Lunch

What is there better to do on a warm Summer Sunday than visit Cassis – 27 degrees forecast today, leave early, take a walk along the calanques, ( inland waterways with high cliff faces), be seated for lunch by 12.30 at one of the many port side restaurants, Explore this …

READ MORE  Cassis is Perfect on a Sunday for Lunch
Place des Precheurs #AixenProvence
ExploreGuided Holiday ToursThe Unexplorer

6 Must-See Squares in Aix-en-Provence

At the heart of French culture — not to mention community and architecture — is the place, or square. Every town, big or small, has its fair share of places that have overseen festivals, markets, and families for centuries. Here are 6 worth finding in Aix-en-Provence. 1. Place des Martyrs de la …

READ MORE  6 Must-See Squares in Aix-en-Provence
Lavender Mont Ventoux @ProvenceTayls
David & Karen TaylorExplore

The Lavender is at its best at Mont Ventoux

Contributor blog post by David Taylor: July is without doubt one of my favourite months, its reliably hot, notably this year being very settled with above average temperatures. One can breakfast outside and take lunch in the shade of the plane trees. The balmy evening temperatures are perfect too for …

READ MORE  The Lavender is at its best at Mont Ventoux
Shopping road trip to #Nimes @bfblogger2015
Barefoot BloggerExploreRoad Trips South of France

An Insider’s Guide to Shopping in Nimes

Last week the Barefoot Blogger took a shopping trip into Nimes, the closest “big city” near Uzes. I had curtains on my mind. As much as I try, there’s always something I think will make my apartment in Uzes even better. This time I’m looking for some simple curtains for …

READ MORE  An Insider’s Guide to Shopping in Nimes
Frederick Paul @FP_invisible #LeVisibleEstInvisible
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExploreGuided Holiday Tours

Discovering Invisible Aix-en-Provence

My friend Delphine who runs Crepes Cidre et Co gave me a flyer Frédéric Paul’s walking tours of Aix-en-Provence in June 2014…then the summer got away from me. It was June 2015 before I stumbled across this #LeVisibleEstInvisible and remembered Frédéric’s unique tours of Aix-en-Provence and beyond – Le Visible …

READ MORE  Discovering Invisible Aix-en-Provence
Hotel Caumont Aix en Provence @culturespaces
ExploreGuest Post

Aix’s Stunning Hotel Caumont

We locals have been watching the ongoing work on the 300-year-old mansion, the Hotel Caumont, for two years as workmen repaired the roof, stonemasons worked on the ancient façade, and lorries drove in and out of the garden area. You can almost hear the clip-clop of the horses’ hooves maneuvering …

READ MORE  Aix’s Stunning Hotel Caumont
Eygalieres Alpilles @JillBarth
ExploreJill Barth

An afternoon in Eygalieres

Take careful steps, enjoy the moment. Beautiful, ancient, earthbound, desirable. I can’t imagine spending the stroll with anyone but my husband…for romantic reasons, definitely…but also because I can turn, at any moment, to my lifelong partner and say, “Remember our afternoon in Eygalieres?” If that sounds romantic…keep reading here about …

READ MORE  An afternoon in Eygalieres