Hotel de Caumont Aix-en-provence
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExploreVillages Towns and Cities

Step back in time Hotel de Caumont in Aix

You can almost hear the clip-clop of the horses’ hooves maneuvering their master’s carriages on the cobblestones. Glance through the majestic iron gates into the cour d’honneur at l’Hôtel de Caumont and let the elegant limestone façade transport you to another era. The grand entrance was unique even in the …

READ MORE  Step back in time Hotel de Caumont in Aix
Hotel Caumont Aix en Provence @culturespaces
ExploreGuest Post

Aix’s Stunning Hotel Caumont

We locals have been watching the ongoing work on the 300-year-old mansion, the Hotel Caumont, for two years as workmen repaired the roof, stonemasons worked on the ancient façade, and lorries drove in and out of the garden area. You can almost hear the clip-clop of the horses’ hooves maneuvering …

READ MORE  Aix’s Stunning Hotel Caumont