Marseille Provence Airport @aeroportmp

Flying from Marseille…New Destinations

News from Marseille-Provence airport….Easyjet are now flying to Manchester twice a week over the winter for those wishing to check out the Northern Powerhouse! And of course there are still the twice-daily flights to London Gatwick. Flights to Bristol will resume in April and Easyjet are advertising flights to Glasgow

READ MORE  Flying from Marseille…New Destinations
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Destinations from Marseille Airport

Istanbul will be one of the destinations to have increased services in the new winter schedule just announced by Marseille-Provence Airport. There will be a daily flight to Geneva and new destinations include Lisbon, Strasbourg, Jijel (Algeria) and Lanzarote.

READ MORE  Destinations from Marseille Airport

Where to Fly From Marseille Airport

Here is a list of 89 flight destinations from Marseille, a useful link. However, now we are moving into November, quite a few of the services are suspended until the spring. For instance, London flights continue, but we will have to wait til March to fly directly to Edinburgh.       

READ MORE  Where to Fly From Marseille Airport