Market bags

Guide to the Markets of Provence and the Côte d’Azur

This is a reference guide, a list of the Markets of Provence and the Côte d’Azur, and additional travel tips. Below is a regional directory for daily markets by department (Alpes Maritimes, Bouches du Rhône, Luberon, Vaucluse, and Var) within Provence. We will add details for Alpes de Haute Provence …

READ MORE  Guide to the Markets of Provence and the Côte d’Azur
Summer Festivals Events Provence Cote d'Azur
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottInspireWhat's On Provence & Cote d'Azur

2023 Summer Festivals in Provence & Cote d’Azur

What’s On in the South of France? During the summer in Provence and the Côte d’Azur, daytime temperatures range from warm to hot. So, you don’t need an excuse to laze by the pool. The lavender is in bloom this time of year, and the sunflowers put on a spectacular …

READ MORE  2023 Summer Festivals in Provence & Cote d’Azur
Summer Provence Lavender Fields-near-Sault
Caroline LongstaffeExploreLocals Travel Tips

Summer in Provence is When to See Lavender Fields

Throughout the Luberon region, the landscape is peppered with fields of small, round-shaped lavender bushes, which for almost nine months of the year lie dormant like sleeping hedgehogs. In the spring, they begin to sprout, and from about the middle of June, their fragrant flowers bloom, fanning their purple fronds …

READ MORE  Summer in Provence is When to See Lavender Fields
The Essence of Provence: the Story of L’Occitane Book Review
Books on ProvenceInspireMary Jane Deeb

The Essence of Provence: the Story of L’Occitane a Book Review

The Essence of Provence: the Story of L’Occitane, by Pierre Magnan, translated from the original French L’Occitane: une histoire vraie, Denoël, Paris, France, 2001, by Richard Seaver, Arcade Publishing, New York, 2nd edition, 2012. Book Review by Mary-Jane Deeb About the Author Pierre Magnan (1922-2012) was a prolific French writer …

READ MORE  The Essence of Provence: the Story of L’Occitane a Book Review
Top 10 Markets Provence
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottFrench Cooking ClassesLocal Food ProducersMarkets in Provence and Cote d'AzurProvencal RecipesTaste

What to Eat in Provence? Paradise for Food Lovers

Provence is a buffet for food lovers. There are markets every day of the week. Chefs find inspiration in seasonal fruit and vegetables, Mediterranean seafood, and free-range lamb. A suitable climate and good soil mean an array of locally produced almonds, cheese, wine, olives and olive oil. In the spring …

READ MORE  What to Eat in Provence? Paradise for Food Lovers
Saignon Luberon Provence
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExploreVillages Towns and Cities

Top 9 Luberon Villages to Visit in Provence

The Luberon region in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region of southern France is known for its picturesque villages and stunning natural beauty. These nine (9) villages are considered must-sees in the Luberon Valley. Book a Luberon Village Tour Ansouis You’ll find the village of Ansouis tucked inside the Parc naturel regional …

READ MORE  Top 9 Luberon Villages to Visit in Provence
Vegetables Market Day Cotignac Cotignac Var Provence

Guide to the Villages of Provence Verdon

Explore the Var The Var is a large geographical and administrative department in Provence. It includes varied terrain from seaside towns to the Îles d’Hyères Archipelago (including Porquerolles) to France’s Grand Canyon – the Gorges de Verdon. From the Mediterranean to the foothills of the Southern Alps, this region offers …

READ MORE  Guide to the Villages of Provence Verdon
Mont Ventoux Vines
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottRestaurant RecommendationsTaste

The Mont Ventoux Villages and Our Top Restaurant Picks

Chefs in Provence build their menus around seasonal, locally available produce, small-batch cheeses, ethically raised meats and Mediterranean seafood. However, as a visitor, knowing where to go for good value food is not always evident. So we asked the owners of Le Prieuré La Madelène for suggestions on places they …

READ MORE  The Mont Ventoux Villages and Our Top Restaurant Picks
Avignon in the Fall light
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottExploreGuided Holiday Tours

Join a Small Group Tour Provence in October

Fall in Provence is a magical season. With the summer holidays over, the region feels calmer, and the seasonal colours make for stunning backdrops. Emily Durand, the founder of Your Private Provence, a small group tour operator, has designed an exceptional autumn adventure called “October in Provence,” which strikes a …

READ MORE  Join a Small Group Tour Provence in October
Provence Holidays Without Car
ExploreJulie Whitmarsh

Provence Holidays in the Luberon Without a Car?

Recently, I’ve seen quite a few questions about whether it’s possible to visit the Luberon without coming by car. The queries range from how to get to the area from airports across France to whether it’s possible to explore once they arrive. The simple answer to them all is yes. …

READ MORE  Provence Holidays in the Luberon Without a Car?