Brocante Markets Vaucluse
InspireJulie WhitmarshShopping & Gifts

Joys of Cycling to Local Brocante Markets in the Vaucluse

Exploring Brocantes As you have probably gathered by now we tend to enjoy spending our time in France cycling, visiting brocante markets, vide greniers and drinking coffee, with the days passing by in a blur and us inevitably falling into bed each evening tired and satisfied after the day’s activities. …

READ MORE  Joys of Cycling to Local Brocante Markets in the Vaucluse
Last Minute Shopping
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottInspireShopping & Gifts

Last Minute Shopping! My Stylish French Box

Christmas Shopping You may have left your shopping to the end because you are looking for that perfect gift for a special lady in your life. My Stylish French Box is the answer for the Francophile or anyone who dreams of visiting Paris. The next box (No. 9) will ship early in …

READ MORE  Last Minute Shopping! My Stylish French Box
Love in St Rémy la-boheme-flamme
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottInspireShopping & Gifts

Fall in Love in St Rémy Gift Ideas from Provence + Discount

Some of us (myself included) are fascinated by striking images on Instagram, and the Love in St Rémy photo feed is no exception. Laetitia Labrune de Luca is the founder of the company and the visionary behind an exquisite collection of products for gifts (or for personal a treat). There …

READ MORE  Fall in Love in St Rémy Gift Ideas from Provence + Discount
My Stylish French Box November 2018 1
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottInspireShopping & Gifts

French Delights in My Stylish French Box

You’ve got Mail Who doesn’t like getting a beautiful package in the mail? Some gift boxes provide clues about their contents. There is the telltale cardboard shape of a book from Amazon or Barnes and Noble. At Tiffany & Co, their packages in Tiffany Blue – Pantone 1837 (trademarked) tied …

READ MORE  French Delights in My Stylish French Box
MuSaMa Savon de Marseille Display
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottInspireShopping & Gifts

MuSaMa Savon de Marseille Preserving Provencal History

Le Musée de Savon de Marseille MuSaMa opened in mid-March (2018) near the Vieux Port. This museum, boutique and workshop are dedicated to safeguarding the reputation of Savon de Marseille. The vision of the museum’s founders is to educate visitors about the vrai (real) Savon de Marseille, its eco-friendly ingredients, …

READ MORE  MuSaMa Savon de Marseille Preserving Provencal History
Antibes Dress Shopping Art Choisy La Galerie
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottInspireShopping & Gifts

Antibes Dress Shopping and Wearable Art at Choisy La Galerie

Everything on Solde My intention upon arrival in Antibes was to go for a pre-dinner stroll around the old streets and reacquaint myself with this pretty seaside city. However, the SOLDES signs and air-conditioned shops beckoned. Clothing shopping was not the plan. However, it was fascinating that the stores were …

READ MORE  Antibes Dress Shopping and Wearable Art at Choisy La Galerie
Swimsuit Shopping Juan le Pins
InspireJemma - French LessonsShopping & Gifts

Swimsuit Shopping Juan le Pins for a Teenager

Contributor blog post by Jemma: Lolo and I stand on a sidewalk in the easygoing town of Juan-les-Pins. We’re debating. The store sounds young to me, like the name of an aspiring rap artist. At last, we open the glass door of Banana Moon. “Bonjour!”  I say to the shop’s sole …

READ MORE  Swimsuit Shopping Juan le Pins for a Teenager
My Stylish French Box
Ashley TinkerInspireShopping & Gifts

My Stylish French Box a Gift to Give or Receive

My Stylish French Box I have been following on social media for some time My Stylish French Box and basically coveting their gorgeous boxes full of hand-picked French items. The concept, created by the writer of My French Country Home Sharon Santoni (see her beautiful Instagram and stunning house here) is that every three …

READ MORE  My Stylish French Box a Gift to Give or Receive
Swimsuit Shopping Antibes Cote d'Azur
InspireJemma - French LessonsShopping & Gifts

Swimsuit Shopping for a Teenager in Antibes

Contributor blog post by Jemma: When we arrive in France’s Riviera this summer, Lolo doesn’t have a swimsuit. It’s not because she forgot to pack it. She simply doesn’t own one that fits. My new teenager is growing like the queues of passengers waiting for the next French train that’s actually …

READ MORE  Swimsuit Shopping for a Teenager in Antibes
My Stylish French Boxes
Carolyne Kauser-AbbottInspireShopping & Gifts

My Stylish French Box: Luxury Products Delivered to your Door

Maybe it was a seven-year itch or natural progression, but in 2017 Sharon Santoni added “My Stylish French Box,” a curated subscription box, to her already rather full plate. The box concept was born from her love of sharing favourite brands and ideas, and a desire to help smaller French …

READ MORE  My Stylish French Box: Luxury Products Delivered to your Door