Christine van der LindenExploreHans ZeegersVillages Towns and Cities

Adventures in Gréolières: A travel experience by Hans and Christine

The journey begins: from coast to village

A winding road leads us from the sunny French Riviera coast to the Alpes Maritimes village of Gréolières, which has existed since 1033. Gréolières comes from the old French word “greolier,” meaning “crow.” We start our adventures in Gréolières at 850 meters, and we are greeted by a breathtaking view over the Loup Valley, which continues its path to the Mediterranean Sea.

Loup Valley Alpes Maritimes near Gréolières

Exploring historical heritage

As we stroll through the village, we discover a heritage trail that takes us through 800 years of history. Informative signs accompany significant landmarks, such as the ‘lavoir,’ the communal washhouse. This washhouse was an essential facility for the locals in the past, where people gathered to wash their clothes and socialize. The route also passes the 12th-century church of Saint-Pierre and the ruins of the Gréolières Basses castle; each step feels like a journey back in time.

Watch our Adventures in Gréolières Video

Gréolières Village Alpes Maritimes

A scenic drive to Gréolières les Neiges

We take the car and continue to Gréolières les Neiges, about 20 minutes away. The journey is worth it. Along the way, we pass the ruins of the Hautes Gréolières castle, which was once a mighty fortress before the religious wars brought it to ruin. Although it’s summer, the ski lifts of Gréolières les Neiges operate, offering the opportunity to hike at higher altitudes.

Skiing in the Southern Alps

Video Adventures in Greolieres cover image

Summer adventures and winter wonders

In winter, this place transforms into a ski resort with 20 runs over 30 kilometres of slopes. But in summer, as it is now, the area invites hiking, cycling, and paragliding. The nature here is unspoiled, a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts.

Adventures in Gréolières Alpes Maritimes Old Castle

The allure of wild lavender

As we drive along the winding roads, we are surprised by beautiful wild lavender, which grows like a blue-purple carpet among the rocks. We park along the road to enjoy this picturesque landscape and the delightful scent. This wild lavender has been growing here for centuries and is highly prized by perfumers from nearby Grasse. We see hikers picking lavender and can’t resist picking some ourselves. Once we return to the car, we notice it smells wonderfully of lavender’s fresh, relaxing scent.

Provence wild lavender Alpes Maritimes

Watch: Video visit to Grasse, the perfume capital

Celebrating lavender: a local festival

In July, the locals celebrate the Lavender Festival, a local event celebrating the blooming of lavender. A market, local crafts, and folk performances provide an authentic insight into life here.

For more information, visit the Fête de la Lavande sauvage à Gréolières les Neiges website.

Tourism website for Gréolières.

Visitor’s Guide to the Alpes Maritimes


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Christine van der Linden

With a passion for storytelling, Christine has found her place in the world of communication. As a child, she loved playing 'news anchor,' and now, as a freelance communications strategist, she helps people and businesses share their brand stories and get media attention. Find out more about her work at CMVDL Consultancy.

Christine's love for France began during her student years when she worked as a tour guide for active holidays in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region and interned in Paris. Later, she worked for Atout France, the French tourism development agency. She discovered the most beautiful hidden spots, charming restaurants, and the best cheese shops where you can buy the tastiest cheeses.

Now, she splits her time between Amsterdam and Cannes and runs her own YouTube channel, @Nice To Know News. Working as both a communications strategist and reporter, she is always on the lookout for inspiring stories. Together with photographer and videographer Hans Zeegers, she creates short reports on feel-good and lifestyle topics in Provence and the Côte d'Azur. These videos have a journalistic approach, based on trends, facts, and interviews.

Discover Nice To Know News, these videos inspire, amaze, and make you smile.

Follow Christine's updates on her Linkedin profile Christine Van Der Linden, Business consultant, Communications strategist, Reporter.

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