This is one of my preferred recipes: it's very simple and easy to make but incredibly good, and all your guests will enjoy it so much. Now, as the main ingredient is melon, you should choose a really good one, as that will make the difference. You might be tempted to add something. Well, I did initially, and then I just reduced the ingredients to the minimum, and that's simply perfect.
4-5smallmelonsCavaillon variety in France, or Cantaloupe
3tbspextra virgin olive oil
saltjust a pinch
fresh basil
1tspdried red peppercayenne or Piment d'Espelette
Start by washing the melon and cutting it in two (if you serve them, try to make a nice cut: equal and clean). Then, make some balls with a Parisian scoop melon baller.
Calculate five balls for each serving, set in a bowl and cool in the fridge.
Now, you can scoop the rest of the melon roughly and put it in a blender, though not all at once: start with a small quantity and then add the rest. Mix well.
Add the oil, a pinch of salt, the red peppercorn and some of the basil and mix again till you have a smooth consistency.
Taste: If it seems a bit insipid, add a pinch of salt and some extra oil and mix again.
Store in the fridge and let it cool for 1 hour. Then, pour the half melons into a nice glass or bowl, add the melon balls, and some basil.
If you have the chance to find small melons you can present this starter as you see in the photo, otherwise I serve it in nice cups or glasses. This recipe is highly influenced by the quality of melons that you use.